The Essential Guide to
Extending & Renovating Your Home


In the world of home construction, there are two types of clients.

The first has the gold standard experience which sees them move into their new home or wander through their investment, smiling broadly and wondering why so many people complain about the process. The builder was a new friend – communicative, understanding, professional and informative. They made it their mission to ensure that you received exactly what you needed within an acceptable budget. This professional has completed the task with their sterling reputation intact. The owner walked away feeling fulfilled and positive, and would have no hesitation in taking on another project in the future.

The second client has the all-too-common, polar-opposite journey. The build almost ruined their faith in mankind with a builder who was non-communicative, resentful of suggestions, and all too eager to cut costs, raise their margins and move on regardless of their client’s opinion.

They are two very different experiences from the same process and whether you enjoy the first and avoid the second starts here, because whether your build experience is a dream or a nightmare, is entirely down to you. With many years in the industry, I’ve seen it all – from shonky builders looking to strip people’s hard-earned cash, through to saints of the industry who go the extra mile and beyond to ensure they leave nothing but outstanding results in their wake.

This book will tell you how to make your new build a dream experience.

What’s in the book

Regardless of your background or experience the information in this book will leave you better equipped to dramatically reduce the risks of an often complicated and troublesome build process.

  • Comprehensive lists of check points and guidelines
  • Covering the six important stages of the building process: Idea Stage, Team Building Stage, Preliminary & Quote Stage, Paperwork Stage, Process Stage and Handover Stage
  • 30 years experience behind the concepts in this book
  • 148 pages of advice to give you confidence in building your dream home

How do I receive my free book?

If you live on the North Shore of Sydney and wish to be sent The Essential Guide to Extending & Renovating Your Home simply fill in the form below and we will send a copy out to you.

What’s the catch you ask?

A few weeks after you receive your book you will receive a quick follow up call from the owner of Carty Homes, Matt Carty to see if you have any questions. You keep the book to assist you with your project regardless of who you choose to be your builder but there is no harm in getting some advice from Matt.

Any information you supply to us will only be used internally to send you your book and make the follow up call. Your information will not be shared or sold to any third parties ever.